U: the link
U: we are selling a ton of these now
M: nice T-shirts
M: which one is that you designed?
U: http://www.cafepress.com/+japan_relief_shirt,515861952
M: very nice. that’s Japanese words or Chinese characters?
U: It should be japanese
U: i was told to put those on the design
M: oh, same as Chinese characters
U: really
U: what does it say in Chinese
M: yeah. same meaning also, I think. It means hope too in Chinese characters. The pronounciation is “xi wang”
U: “hope for japan” is what i was told it means
M: those two words mean “hope”
U: the characters say hope
U: and the “map’ is of japan
M: I think it should prounce different from Chinese words.
M: very nice image in the whole. nice color too.
U: just a cut out from a map
M: 🙂
U: and overlay of the japanese battle flag….(the sun rays) laying over the japan image
U: blending with almost the same color red
U: i made it in 30 minites
U: it was an emergency
M: oh, I can’t see the flag.
U: they needed it right away
M: for some activity, maybe
U: http://shop.cafepress.com/japan-relief
U: LOOK CLOSE at the image on the left
U: see the darker red sun rays
M: oh, I see it.
M: it has some lines
M: good idea
U: yes….thats the sun rays from the flag
M: in fact, I dislike Japanese battle flag
M: 😉
U: but the flag in transparent except when over the map of japan
M: I understand.
U: i can understand your dislike
U: but its a cool looking flag
M: oh, it has been printed by the blood of a lot of innocent people.
U: the lines are thinned and modified
U: all flags are!
M: Americans too? with the victims’ blood?
U: yes yes yes…i know
U: i know all about it
U: but its 2011
M: Chinese flag too.
U: and japan had an earthquake and nuclear error
U: and i wanted to give it some style
M: that’s for humanitarian.
U: and my bosses wanted to take advantage and make a quick profit
U: exploiting the tradgedy
M: 😛
U: so…there it is
M: if I post this conversation online, your boss will be pissed off?
U: no
U: i already told them my thoughts
U: let me show you the difference
M: ok
*** U sent Imperial_flag.png ***
U: Flag you hate….(old flag)
U: New flag
*** U sent Modern_flag.png ***
U: see the difference
U: anyway….there was big rush to get on the website as soon as possible
M: my computer is slow, I’m opening them.
U: to try and be the first
U: and i was surprised at how many they sold in one day….17,000
M: wow, so many?
U: yes
U: crazy
U: like christmas
M: the people who bought it must think they are helping Japanese.
U: some of the cost is going to a relief fund
U: i should tell you that
U: its not all for profit
M: I guess so.
U: but…there is still some profit
M: sure.
U: the people in my business love disasters
M: A lot of people do things like it.
M: 🙂
U: because people wear t-shirts to show support
T-shirt and Japan relief
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