M: hi
M: are u working now?
U: hi
U: no
M: what are you doing, by the way?
M: are you yelling as usual?
M: 😉
U: just going over my mid-term assignments
M: oh, good student.
U: always
U: what are doing?
M: me? I’m browsing some papercuttings now so I can show you to judge and listening TV.
U: oh…show and tell
M: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=3592526014
M: see that red one
M: it should be a girl in Qing Dynasity
U: very nice
M: it’s 0.7 metre
M: too big, right?
U: that would be quite large
U: but maybe bigger is better
M: oh, people won’t buy it because they have no place to put it.
U: maybe you are right
U: but there might one person willing to pay for it
M: 🙂
M: do you think Americans like to buy a papercut with old times’ Chinese lady?
U: i’m sure it would attract attention
M: I think that he must know Chinese culture well so he can appreciate its beauty.
U: many americans are interested in chinese culture
M: oh, i c. I expect the papercuttings which can attract common American tastes.
M: like this one http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=1993172002
M: everyone has a childhood.
U: i think the one with chinese girl is much more attractive
M: oh, you mean that red one.
U: yes…thats what i would choose….even though its rather large
… …
Learn Chinese culture through Chinese papercutting art(1): a beauty in Qing Dynasity
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