Updates of Qian Yun Hui’s death (16): his cousin stood out to campain for the new head of that village

M: but there is good news too.
M: It’s past midnight but I really like you to hear the good news
U: ok…tell me
M: about that village whose former head died under a truck.
M: remember?
U: how can i forget
M: Recently, the election was held in that village for a new head.
M: His brother stood out to campain for it
U: good
M: His brother might have won it. I didn’t follow it.
M: His father’s brother’s son (Note: he should be Mr. Qian’s cousin.)
U: as a matter of principal…the voters should have voted for him
M: ((nod))
M: When the netizens heard the news, they even wanted to go to that village to vote for him. 😛
M: that shows some hope for China’s future
M: right?
U: slowly
U: too slow
U: but eventually

Added on Mar. 11:

His cousin really won and is the new head of that village now.

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