“I don’t like perfume … I like the natural, clean smell”

U: you there?
U: in bed reading perhaps
M: 😛
M: My female landlord told me that they would turn off the water since there is some leak.
U: oh no
M: So I just took a shower before the water is turned off.
U: and you had shampoo in your hair?
U: oh good
U: i thought you might have to rinse off the shampoo in the toilet
M: (mm)
M: I just went to tell them that they could turn off the water now.
M: I have finished my shower
U: so its going to be off all night?
M: yeah, wait to repaire tomorrow
M: I’m such a cooperative tenant.
M: 😛 do you think so?
U: absolutely
U: giving up water for the night while you are sleeping is a big sacrifice
M: absolutely. how r u?
U: i’m fine
U: and you
U: i know you are very much clean now
M: sure
U: oh and you smell good too
M: no smell
M: just water’s smell
U: do you use perfume during the day at all?
M: I don’t like perfume.
U: really
M: I like the natural, clean smell of the body.
U: yes…natural is nice
M: I find that Indian people usually like perfume.
M: do you think so?
U: i remember my * always liked to buy perfume
U: russians like things like that
U: french perfume and handbags
M: I bought just one bottle of perfume in the university.
M: in my whole life
M: 😉
U: you must have a very small body for it to last so long
M: It volatiled soon.
M: Oh, I had bought a bottle of some liquid that can be volatiled by heat to make the room smell good
M: and an instrument to heat it.
M: but I find that I rarely have time and mood to deal with such things.
M: It consumes the sleep time.
U: you must spend many hours working on your blog
M: yeah, reading on the Internet and argue

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