Does Australia belong to the western world?

M: Australia is a western country, right?
U: Australia is australia
U: its very close to china
U: so how can it be a western country
M: but it still is a country which belongs to the western world, right?
M: Those people are offsprings of Britain people.
U: i guess it has western culture and values
U: but is located in the east
M: it can’t belong to the eastern world, right?
M: 😛 
U: its actually a continent
U: it belongs to itself
M: you must want to write a lettle to Obama to ask these questions now , or hope I do so. 😉
U: i can answer most of the questions you put forward to me
U: but…the questions about USA foreign policy are best left to the policy makers in washington DC
M: oh, i c
U: i can not answer such questions because i don’t know how or why they make such decisions
U: i can guess why
U: and maybe even answer the questions and act like i know the answers
U: then that will really impress you
U: but
U: Obama
M: oh
U: can answer them….maybe
M: oh
U: maybe he doesn’t know the answers either
M: 😛

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