The netizen volunteer, Mr. Wu Gan, was taken away by the police on Feb. 10 (Beijing time), and has disappeared since then.
After Mr. Qian Yunhui died, soon Mr. Wu Gan contacted with the family of Mr. Qian, and went to there. But also very soon, he was forced to leave there. When he came back to Beijing, he still did a lot of work to reveal as much as information he got from other volunteers working at the site. And some people also gave some first-hand materials to him because they trusted him. He posted some of them along with his own words online. He found that lawyer who got a lot of money from Mr. Qian by cheating and he tried to find out that reporter from an official newspaper in Beijing … … but he was forced to leave Beijing and go back to his hometown. But Mr. Wu didn’t give up. Mr. Wu still talked about this case on his micro-blogs and insisted on doing his investigation about this case, until one day, Feb.10, he was taken away by the police in Bengbu, Anhui provice and the Chinese netizens can’t get any information about him since then and get deeply worried. Some netizens said that Mr. Wu planned to go to that driver’s hometown to do his investigation but when he just arrived Bengbu city, he was taken away by the local police and handed to the police from Fujian province.
There’s another important volunteer: a professor named Yu Jianrong. He went that village and revealed a lot of facts about the background of the event: corruption. He is still quite active on the micro-blog site, but he keeps silent to the case of Mr. Qian Yunhui. He is busy on his new campain: rescue Children beggers. Someone said that he was “adviced” to keep away from Mr. Qian’s case. A lot of netizens blame him because his campain calls the volunteers to take photos of children beggers and post online. Some netizens think that it offends the civil rights of children beggers: you can’t take a picture of someone and post it online without his/her permission. I think that Mr. Yu just doesn’t want to risk his job, his safety to do something that the gov’t dislikes. But he wants to a good person so he chooses to do something that is good to the people and also the gov’t likes.
Mr. Wu was released on Feb. 14, local time.