plan to develop a mobile version of client part of Twitter

M: I plan to develop a client part of, with which the people can access Twitter with their phones in the mainland of China.
M: a mobile version.
U: You will be in jail in two years if you do that
M: maybe when I land on the airport of Beijing one day, I will be send to some reeducation camp directly.
M: (chuckle)
M: but I think it will be ok. the guy who developed the client part of web version lives in the mainland of China quite well now.
U: yes…it will teach you how to be harmonious
U: ok
M: maybe they will cancel my Chinese citizenship. :S
M: it sounds not good for Chinese gov’t if I keep jobless. (chuckle)
U: you can become Canadian citizen
M: I like to keep both.
U: being two citizens is better than one.
M: 🙂 sure
M: My brother told me several days ago that some of his colleagues like to visit regularly and discuss some controversial topics with him.
U: oh really…thats great
M: I surf around the world online.
M: and post the most interesting stuff on the website.
M: They may know the news of China later than me even though they are in CHina.
M: it’s midnight.
U: sorry
M: sorry for what?
U: i was watching classmates videos and posting critiques as required
U: i have one more to watch and post
M: oh, take your time.
U: done
U: finally

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