Han Han’s speech is funny, like a naughty child, but his opinions are sharp.

U: http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2010/nov/28/internet-radicals-world-wide-web
U: hi…Han Han gets a mention in this article.
M: I will have a look at it.
M: cyber radicals
M: some of my friends like to say me “radical”
U: oh really
U: actually you seem quite tame
M: only my opinions are radical. my character is tame
U: i’m sure you are a true tiger in character
U: so…did you read that article and what it had to say about Han Han?
M: read a bit.
M: it must be translated from Chinese.
M: I almost have read all his interviews, I think.
M: in Chinese.
U: so then its nothing new for you
M: He doesn’t speak much English.
M: there is something new.
M: It says that the Internet is medicine for Chinese-speaking countries.
M: He has a strong sense of humour, right?
M: His speech is funny, like a naughty child, but the opinions are sharp.
U: yes…i think so
M: you like him, right? 😉
U: not in the same way you like him
M: (mm)
M: His speech in Chinese is more funny.
U: you want to be his special pet tiger
M: The translation weakens it in some way.
M: lost in translation
M: (nod)
M: He has a daughter. A girl wrote a signation on her MSN saying …… Can you guess what she wrote?
U: tell me
M: “Han Han has a daughter and I’m not its mother”.
M: 😉
U: but you wish you were
M: (mm)

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