How to say “a dish of stir-fried vegetables or vegetables and meat together” in English?

M: When you cook, you cook rice, and also need to cook other things to take with the rice. For example, you fry some vegetables and put them on a dish. Do you say you fried a dish? How to name that dish of vegatables?
U: i think the english way of that type of cooking is called “stir fried”
M: oh, i c. tks
U: when rice and other ingredients are fried together
U: yes…a stir fried meal

M: here you steam the rice and stir fry some vegatables.
U: oh
M: just name those vegatables on the dish.
U: ok…stir fried vegetables is acceptable english
U: or you can name the vegetables by name

M: oh, i c. tks
U: its amazing how far your English has progressed since the first time we chatted
M: really? I can’t feel it but you helped alot.
U: of course…just by your written english….i have no idea how your spoken english is

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