Category Archives: Chats

M is me
U is An Ameircan

hi, you said you are glad I post the conversations we had online. ;)

“Ding Dong the leader (Kim Jong Il) is dead”. A Dingdong?

Dec. 18

M: you have time for that?
U: your buddy died
M: who is it?
U: click the link i sent you
M: that’s great news
M: Maybe a good chance for the people in North Korea
U: yeah right
M: Let’s keep an eye on it
M: It will be interesting to follow the change in North Korea
U: it will get worse
U: already…U.S. and Korean Forces are on full alert
M: Nuclear war?
U: probably not
M: why alert?
U: because North korean just became unstable
M: I c. Some Koreans will flee to China
M: are you crying?
U: no
U: just trying to stay warm
U: i have the chills
U: slight fever
M: oh, you should go to home to have a rest now
U: at midnight
M: Your buddy has some scandel
M: that one in Russia
U: ok
U: tell me something i don’t know
M: About Putin
M: He cheated in the election
M: Russia has an organization called Du Ma?
M: like Parliament in USA
U: Duma
M: Duma released some materials to reveal that Putin cheated in election.
U: ok
U: i already know that
M: then do you think Putin will lose in the next election?
U: there were members of the communist party in the Duma that released such info
U: he will win
U: you think the russians will vote for the communists?
M: You really love your buddy
U: no
M: don’t have another one?
U: he is better than the communists
M: They only have a dictator and a communist?

Dec. 21

M: how is your buddy’s son going after his death?
U: its not my buddy
U: maybe it is your cousin
M: have you watching those people crying?
U: maybe he is your cousin
U: i’ve seen a video clip
U: quite silly
U: i suppose they were forced to cry like that
M: that’s the difference between Asia (maybe just China, North Korea) and western world
M: no, some are real
M: some people thought of the time when Mao died
M: some people really cried deadly
U: ok
U: ;( (:| ;( ;( (whew) ;( (:| |-) (worry) ;( (whew) ;( (:| 😐 ;( (:| ;( (whew) ;( (clap) ;( (:| ;( ;( (worry) (:| ;( (whew) ;( (:| (yawn) (rofl)
M: πŸ˜›
M: you know, in China (Note: now, it has been westernized a lot.), when a person dies,
M: his/her children have to cry very loudly
U: or else they die too?
M: especially the time someone visits to show his/her condolenses (Note: this word should be condolences) — how to spell that?
U: close enough
M: otherwise, they will be looked down or discussed by others
U: sounds traditional
M: yeah
U: so…then its acting
M: when I watch a funeral like that, I sympathize those crying people
U: so you cry too
M: how hard it is to cry so long time and so loudly
U: i cry when Germany loses in soccer…but never when someone dies
M: how do you show your sadness for losing someone then?
U: with sadness
U: not hysterical crying
U: When Germany loses…then its hyterical crying
U: I can understand crying over a close friend or relative
U: but not a ding dong like Kim Sung Il
M: what is a ding dong?
U: nutjob
M: i c
U: i think you secretly cried over his death when I told you about it
M: that’s you
U: remember in the movie…the wizard of Oz
U: when the wicked witch melted and died
M: πŸ™‚
M: yeah
M: you cried?
U: all the soldiers started singing
M: oh. that’s a movie
U: “Ding Dong the witch is dead…the witch is dead…the wicked witch is dead”
M: (lalala)
M: (party)
U: the Drudge report had its headline….”Ding Dong the Leader is dead”
U: that was first class
U: great journalism
M: i saw it. that’s why people say ding dong because of the wizard of OZ?
U: its from the movie
U: and people remember to say it when such people die
U: a celebration
M: that’s the western culture. I just knew it
U: when an evil person dies
M: πŸ™‚
M: only this leader, when he died, the countries around it, even USA, get nervous
U: They call me “Never Nervous Daddy Mac”
M: I am opening it
M: nice
M: there’s no place like home
M: I saw those red shoes
U: they would look good on you
M: it’s always in my magination, you know
U: wearing a blue swimsuit and those red shoes
M: I just read the book
U: you still reading?
M: No, I am looking some straw hats
U: i’m going now
M: ok
M: good night then
U: Ding Dong the workdays’ dead…
U: good night
M: πŸ™‚
U: (hug)
M: (hug)

“Yes” in Chinese means “No” in English … in some scenarios

… …
M: I tell you one thing
U: whats that?
M: about English and Chinese languages
U: ok
M: For example
U: πŸ™‚
M: If ask you: “you don’t agree on it?”,
M: if you don’t agree on it, you will say “no”
M: right?
U: i think
M: but in China, we will like to say “yes” if we don’t agree on it
U: you are getting too sophisticated with your english now
M: In our language, we say “yes” to agree the whole sentence.
M: In your language, you say “yes” to show you agree on it
M: understand?
U: i do
M: sometimes, we make this mistake when we speak English
U: i see
M: oh, I have a question here then.
U: trying to translate the proper meaning
U: just do it the english way
U: its more civilized
M: (mm)
M: Here is my question, anyway
U: go
M: when asking “you don’t agree on it?”
M: if the one nods
M: do you think he agree on it or not?
U: it dosen’t make sense
U: i’m confused
M: πŸ™‚
U: why not just simply ask…”do you agree”
U: why so many words
M: let me make another sentence to show the question.
U: in english please
M: do you disagree?
M: the one nods
U: do i disagree with what?
U: a nod means yes
U: he agrees with the question
M: same with “yes”, “no”
M: i c
M: do you remember that dog and cat story?
M: similar stuff
U: yes
M: πŸ™‚
U: (nod)
U: i agree
M: oh, if the question is “it’s not good?”
M: if the one nods, it means he think it’s good?
U: a nod would mean he agrees with the question
U: a nod or shake
U: this is too complicated
U: just simplify it
U: its easy
U: don’t over-think
M: for example, if someone asks you “it’s not good?”
M: if you want to show you think it’s good, do you nod or shake?
U: you would never ask a question like that
U: that would be a statement?
U: just ask…”is it good”
M: I need a question with “not”
U: its not good…is not a proper question
M: The question is : is it not good?
U: its not correct grammar
U: it dosen’t make sense
U: is it good
U: or
U: is it bad
U: simple
U: no need to use the word “not”
M: ok, if the question is : is it bad, you nod, do you mean it’s bad or not
U: a nod means yes
M: it means “it’s bad”?
M: (whew)
U: if thats the question
M: if the question is : is it not black?
M: you nod
M: it’s black or not?
U: see…you are using “not” again
U: not correct
U: she’s not answering
M: oh
U: she’s not wearing make-up
U: he did not tie his shoe
U: its a statement
U: not a question
M: the question is: it’s not black, is it? if you nod, what do you mean?
U: is it black?
M:Β  πŸ™‚
U: stop using “not” in the form of a question
M: oh
U: remember…simplify
M: if someone say: oh you don’t like it, you nod, what do you mean then?
U: it means you don’t like it
U: or
U: you are thinking too deep for me now
U: where do you get this?
M: if you say yes, do you mean you like it or not?
U: i don’t know
U: its too confusing
M: if someone say: oh, you don’t like it, you say “yes”
M: then you mean you like it or not?
U: the person should give an answer as to whether they like it or not
M: that’s secure
U: whats up with all the nodding stuff?
M: πŸ˜›
U: speak!
M: πŸ˜‰
M: ok, it’s quite late
U: yes
M: will you go to sleep?
U: of course
M: oh
M: good night then
U: good night to you too…not
M: πŸ˜‰
U: do you not think i am going to sleep?
M: (whew)
U: see..its confusing
U: but…yes
M: πŸ™‚
U: i am going to sleep
U: good night
M: πŸ™‚
M: g9
U: (hug)
U: (hug)

Sell on eBay (43): a tip to save eBay’s commission fees

M: πŸ™‚
M: I found some rules about ebay. When you do your big business on ebay, probably it will be useful to you πŸ˜‰
U: what did you find
M: every month, ebay will have some special offer to the sellers.
M: the Insertion fee can be much lower for listing items
M: if it offers $0.25 for one item in one month, soon it will offer a much lower insertion fee for one item within this month, e.g. $0.01
U: great information
U: i just don’t pay attention to all that
U: i just do it for fun…for now
M: If it offers $0.05 for each item, most likely it will just offer this special promotion one time in this month.
M: every month, ebay will offer a special promotion for insertion fees
M: πŸ™‚
U: i do notice sometimes they let you add a second photo for free
M: I never get that so far
U: really
U: all of your listings only have one photo anyway
M: because I don’t like to pay that extra fee
U: i know….you cut costs and make maximum profits….Business 101
M: the benefit is low. I need to cut the cost to the minimum