米娅 2009年8月20日 00:22:51


按:如果你想了解你的申请状况,如果是你是加拿大人、永久居民或者现在在加拿大,可以向移民局申请查询你的案子的CAIPS notes,CAIPS notes包括你的案子的整个流程进行状况,比如你的打分情况、什么时候发过信给你。如果申请人是查询自己的信息,基于Privacy Act是免费的;你也可以替别人查询,但需要委托人授权,可以是委托人的信或者填写的另外一个表格,基于Access to Infromation Act, 需要费用5加元。一楼列的连接是申请表网址,二楼是地址和授权表单下载地址。三楼是说明。  

加拿大“移民申请处理的计算机辅助系统”(Computer Assisted Immigration Processing System'),简称CAIPS。



Basic items needed to start processing a request需要提交的资料和费用:
1.Formal request 申请表
2.Consent(s) 授权书
3.Fee ($5.00, only for an Access to information request) 费用
 - cheque or money order made payable to the Receiver General for Canada

Basic information needed to start processing a request(需提交的信息):
1.Name 姓名
2.Date of birth  生日
3.File location  文件位置,比如香港领馆,北京大使馆
4.File number  档案号

BTW,http://www.caips.ca 是个中介,价格很贵。        

2楼 2009年8月20日 12:48:10 米娅
 from : http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/atip/requests-atip.asp

Access to information and privacy

Access to information requests

For all access to information requests, you must complete the Access to Information Request Form or send a written request describing the information you are seeking and any relevant details necessary to help CIC find it. You must mention that you are requesting the information pursuant to the Access to Information Act and include a $5 application fee.

You may send the application fee in the form of a cheque or money order made payable to the Receiver General for Canada(填写在汇票或支票的收款人位置的名称).

This fee entitles you to five hours of search and preparation time for the requested records. You may need to pay extra fees.

In addition, if you are requesting personal information that is not your own, you must include a consent to release the information. Consent may be provided by completing the Authority to Release Personal Information to a Designated Individual Form or by way of a written statement indicating the name of the person giving the consent and to whom consent is being given(授权). The consent must be dated and signed by the person giving the consent.

Send your information request to:

Public Rights Administration
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Narono Building
360 Laurier Avenue West, 10th floor
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 1L1  (邮寄地址)

3楼 2009年8月20日 12:56:44 米娅
 from http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/atip/requests-personal.asp

Access to information and privacy

Personal information requests

To access your own personal information held by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC), please complete CIC’s Access to Information or Personal Information Request Form.(查询申请表单)

If the information you need is not listed on the CIC form, you should complete the Treasury Board’s Request for Personal Information Form (for example, information related to immigration policy or procedures).

Note: If you are requesting personal information that is not your own, you must make your request under the Access to Information Act. For example, if you are seeking information on an application for permanent residence for a family member (in most cases, your family member’s visa file). In such a case, the $5 application fee applies.(查询别人的信息需交费5加元)

Please send your request to the appropriate address.

There are no fees for accessing your own personal information under the Privacy Act.(查询自己的信息免费)

You must get prior consent when requesting personal information for anyone other than yourself by completing the Authority to Release Personal Information to a Designated Individual Form or by way of a written statement indicating the name of the person giving the consent and to whom consent is being given. The consent must be dated and signed by the person giving the consent.    

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