试着翻译了《BJ 单身日记》中BJ误穿小兔装参加派对的那段
米娅 2009年8月16日 20:38:09


难以相信我为此承受的折磨。我开了两个小时的车后,把车停在Alconbury的房子前;一边担心我穿的这身兔女郎装束是否合适,一边绕过房子到花园去,这时已经能听到那里的欢笑声了。当我开始穿过草地时,他们全都静下来。我恐惧的发现并不是一帮牧师和妓女,而是穿着休闲的、下摆到小腿的两件套的女人和穿着便装和V字领的男人们。我站在那里,一下呆住了……活脱脱就像一只小兔子。当每个人都吃惊的看着我时,Una Alconbury端着装满小块的苹果和叶子的玻璃杯,穿过长着藤类植物的草地走过来。
“Bridget!!见到你太高兴了。 先尝尝这个吧。”她说。

我能感到有人的目光在盯着我。抬头见Mark Darcy在盯着小兔尾巴。在他旁边是高高瘦瘦的、动人的顶尖家庭法律师,穿着矜持的淡紫色裙子和外套,头上顶着太阳镜,就像Jackie O.。

这一下提醒了我,我飞快地环顾四周寻找我的爸爸,但是看不到他。我看见Mark Darcy在和Una说话,并向我的方向指指点点。接着,Una就往这边望,然后匆匆的过来对我说,“Birdget,关于服装的事真是抱歉,Mark刚才跟我说,这么多年长的男人也在这里你一定感到极不舒服。你想借件衣服吗?”
派对剩下的时间里我就穿着我的吊带装,外面套着一个Janine的、花花绿绿的、Laura Ashleyban牌泡泡袖伴娘裙,听着Mark Darcy的Natasha的傻笑,看着我妈妈周期性的冲来冲去,“这件衣服很漂亮,亲爱的。停!”
“我对那个女朋友印象不好,你呢?”Una Alconbury一单独和我在一起就一边冲Natasha的方向点头示意,一边大声地说,“像足了一个小女人。Elaine认为她迫不及待的想插一脚。噢,嗨,Mark!再来一杯皮姆吗?Bridget不能带她男朋友来多让人扫兴啊。他运气真好,不是吗?”这些话都很有进攻性,好像Una认为Mark选的女朋友,一不是我,二不是Una在咖喱火鸡餐会介绍给他的女孩,对她是一种冒犯。“他叫什么,Bridget?Daniel,是吗?Pams说他是一个数一数二的年轻出版商。”
“Daniel Cleaver?”Mark Darcy说。

2楼 2009年8月16日 20:38:37 米娅
10 p.m. Cannot believe what I have been through. I drove for two hours, parked at the front of the Alconburys' and, hoping I looked OK in the bunny girl outfit, walked round the side to the garden where I could hear voices raised in merriment. As I started to cross the lawn they all went quiet, and I realized to my horror that instead of Tarts and Vicars, the ladies were in Country Casualsstyle calf-length floral two-pieces and the men were in slacks and V-necked sweaters. I stood there, frozen, like, well, a rabbit. Then while everyone stared, Una Alconbury came flapping
across the lawn in pleated fuchsia holding out a plastic tumbler full of bits of apple and leaves
'Bridget!! Super to see you. Have a Pimms.' she said.
'I thought it was supposed to be a Tarts and Vicars party,' I hissed.
'Oh dear, didn't Geoff call you?' she said. I couldn't believe this. I mean, did she think I dressed as a bunny girl normally or something? 'Geoff,' she said. 'Didn't you telephone Bridget? We're all looking forward to meeting your new boyfriend,' she sajd, looking around. 'Where is he?'
'He had to work,' I muttered.
'How's-my-little-Bridget?' said Uncle Geoffrey, lurching over, pissed.
'Geoffrey,' said Una coldly.
'Yup, Yup. All present and correct, orders obeyed, Lieutenant,' he said, saluting, then collapsing on to her shoulder giggling. 'But it was one of those ruddy answerphone thingummajigs.'
'Geoffrey,' hissed Una. 'Go-and-see-to-the-barbecue. I'm sorry, darling, you see we decided after all the scandals there've been with vicars around here there'd be no point having a Tarts and Vicars party because . . . ' she started to laugh, ' . . . because everyone thought vicars were tarts anyway.
Oh dear,' she said, wiping her eyes. 'Anyway, how's this new chap, then? What's he doing workingon a Saturday? Durrr! That's not a very good excuse, is it? How are we going to get you married off at this rate?'
'At this rate I'm going to end up as a call girl,' I muttered, trying to unpin the bunny tail from my bottom.
I could feel someone's eyes on me and looked up to see Mark Darcy staring fixedly at the bunny tail. Beside him was the tall thin glamorous top family-law barrister clad in a demure lilac dress and coat like Jackie O. with sunglasses on her head.
The smug witch smirked at Mark and blatantly looked me up and down in a most impolite
manner. 'Have you come from another party?' she breathed.
'Actually, I'm just on my way to work,' I said, at which Mark Darcy half smiled and looked away.
'Hello, darling, can't stop. Shooting.' trilled my mother, hurrying towards us in a bright turquoise pleated shirtwaister, waving a clapper board. 'What on earth do you think you're wearing darling? You look like a common prostitute. Absolute quiet, please, everyone, aaaaand . . . ' she yelled in the direction of Julio, who was brandishing a video camera, 'action!'
In alarm I quickly looked round for Dad but couldn't see him anywhere. I saw Mark Darcy talking to Una and gesturing in my direction then Una, looking purposeful, hurried across to me.
'Bridget, I am so sorry about the mix-up over the fancy dress,' she said. 'Mark was just saying you must feel dreadfully uncomfortable with all these older chaps around. Would you like to borrow something?'
I spent the rest of the party wearing, over my suspender outfit, a puff-sleeved, floral-sprig Laura Ashley bridesmaid dress of Janine's with Mark Darcy's Natasha smirking and my mother periodically rushing past going, 'That's a pretty dress, darling. Cut!'
'I don't think much of the girlfriend, do you? said Una Alconbury loudly, nodding in Natasha's direction as soon as she got me alone. 'Very much the Little Madam. Elaine thinks she's desperate to get her feet under the table. Oh, hello, Mark! Another glass of Pimms? What a shame Bridget couldn't bring her boyfriend. He's a lucky chap, isn't he?' All this was said very aggressively as if Una was taking as a personal insult the fact that Mark had chosen a girlfriend who was a) not me and b) had not been introduced to him by Una at a turkey curry buffet. 'What's his name, Bridget?
Daniel, is it? Pam says he's one of these sooper-dooper young publishers.
'Daniel Cleaver?' said Mark Darcy.
'Yes, it is, actually,' I said, jutting my chin out.
'Is he a friend of yours, Mark?' said Una.
'Absolutely not,' he said, abruptly.
'Oooh. I hope he's good enough for our little Bridget,' Una pressed on, winking at me as if this
was all hilarious fun instead of hideous.
'I think I could say again, with total confidence, absolutely not,' said Mark.
3楼 2009年8月16日 20:57:12 米娅

4楼 2009年8月16日 23:46:48 米娅

他瞪着我,好像想到了其他的事情。“对不起,”他说,“我只是想弄明白你的意思。我……?你意思是因为你我嫉妒Daniel Cleaver?”
担心我再遇上什么使我不能体面地离开,45分钟后,我借口工作向Una告别。“你们这些事业型女孩!不能再拖了:卡塔卡塔,”她说。我必须要在车内抽5分钟的烟才能平静的离开。就在我回到主路上时,我爸爸的车开过。坐在他旁边的是Penny Husbands—Bosworth,穿着红花边的巴斯克式紧身女上衣,戴着两个兔耳朵。

'Oh, hang on a tick, there's Audrey. Audreyl' said Una, not listening, and tripping off, thank God.
'I suppose you think that's clever,' I said furiously, when she'd gone.
'What?' said Mark, looking surprised.
'Don't you "What?" me, Mark Darcy,' I muttered.
'You sound just like my mother,' he said.
'I suppose you think its all right to slag people's boyfriends off to their parents' friends behind their back when they're not even there for no reason just because you're jealous,' I flailed.
He stared at me, as if distracted by something else. 'Sorry,' he said. 'I was just trying to figure out what you mean. Have I . . .? Are you suggesting that I am jealous of Daniel Cleaver? Over you?'
'No, not over me,' I said, furious because I realized it did sound like that. 'I was just assuming you must have some reason to be so horrible about my boyfriend other than pure malevolence.'
'Mark, darling,' cooed Natasha, tripping prettily across the lawn to join us. She was so tall and thin she hadn't felt the need to put heels on, so could walk easily across the lawn without sinking, as if designed for it, like a camel in the desert. 'Come and tell your mother about the dining furniture we saw in Conran.'
'Just take care of yourself, that's all, he said quietly, 'and I'd tell your mum to watch out for herself too,' he said, nodding pointedly in the direction of Julio as Natasha dragged him off.
After 45 minutes more horror I thought I could decently leave, pleading work to Una.
'You career girls! Can't put it off forever you know: tick-tock-tick-tock,' she said.
I had to have a cigarette in the car for five minutes before I was calm enough to set off. Then just as I got back to the main road my dad's car drove past. Sitting next to him in the front seat was Penny Husbands-Bosworth, wearing a red lace underwired uplift basque, and two bunny ears.
By the time I got back to London and off the motorway I was feeling pretty shaky and back much earlier than I expected, so I thought, instead of going straight home, I'd go round to Daniel's for a bit of reassurance.
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