米娅 2010年8月31日 11:04:24

发表 于 2010年6月27日 00:29:24


M:have a look at this link plz
U: ok
M: I will tell you the story about it
U: ok...three men and a woman
M: yeah. It's said that  the front one is an expert of file record archive of China
M: Those people went to QingHai provice to protect that blackboard.
M: because Chinese President Hu wrote a few letters with chalk
M: on that blackboard
M: they not only took away that blackboard from that school but also tried to find way to keep that letters on that blackboard
M: just so you know, the letters with chalk will be damaged with time passing by
U: yes...chalk will wither away
M: can you imagine your expert and official organization trying to protect some letters written by Obama?
M: with chalk。
M: on some blackboard.
U: yes...i see the point
U: it would be erased as soon as Obama left the room
U: it seems that maybe Asians have too much respect for authority

M: that's our so-called experts' work.
M: what type of that dog have you called that British's Prime Minister for Bush?
U: then there is you...little miss rebel
U: poodle

M: yeah, the gov. raises so many poodles
U: blair was bush's poodle
U: ha ha
U: i agree
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