米娅 2010年8月1日 15:29:33


M: another question, it has confused me for almost two years.
M: when you take an exam, for example, the time is one hour. then in the middle, you want to know how much time left, how to say it
M: how to ask this question?
U: Are you allowed to ask questions during the exam?
M: yeah, I can ask the teacher.
U: "May I ask how much time is left until the exam is over"
M: oh, the sentence is so long 
U: or
U: "how much time"
M: :)
U: or
U: wear a watch and you will always know what time it is

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2. College生活片断:DIY做2.4GHz高增益定向天线
3. 复活节次日学校不放假
4. 在安大略省申请college、贷款、上学的流水帐
5. 上课就像吃包子
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