WordPress problem: It Didn’t Work: Unknown column ‘wp’ in ‘where clause’
米娅 2010年7月27日 23:19:06

The WordPress has some problem on the webspace, but the one I installed on my own computer is just perfect.

For example, I open the index page and click “comment”, then I enter the content and click “submit”, it will show as follows:

It Didn’t Work: Unknown column ‘wp’ in ‘where clause’

Here ‘wp’ is the subfolder where the wordpress is installed. If I changed to ‘wordpress’, then the problem will be like this:

It Didn’t Work: Unknown column ‘wordpress’ in ‘where clause’

(to be continued)


2楼 2010年7月28日 15:21:08 米娅

and also the Dashboard Layout is broken. Some links have the same problem as above.


3楼 2010年7月28日 15:33:18 米娅

It shows that the problem is related with the apache rewrite function.

I invalid the line below on httpd.conf on my own computer with #:
#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so

reboot the Apache. Everything works just fine. I thought that the problem is related to .htaccess file, but ......

From http://wordpress.org, we can see the documents. hope it helps.

this link http://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Permalinks is about .htaccess, rewrite_module, Premalinks.

4楼 2010年7月28日 16:37:35 米娅

If I used the name started with wp-, even I deleted all its content of the file,  when I opened it in IE, it always shows:

It Didn’t Work: Unknown column ‘wordpress’ in ‘where clause’ 

What's wrong with it? It's really confusing.   

I changed the file name of wp-comments-post.php to 0comments-posts.php, now, if I try to open this file on a web browser like IE, it won't show the problem as above.

I changed wp-comments-post to 0comments-post in the files: comments.php, comments-popup.php in the subfolder: wp-includes\theme-compat\ and comment-template.php in the subfolder: wp-includes\

Now, I can add comments on the index page of wordpress. 

5楼 2010年8月6日 18:27:00 米娅

There must be something wrong with the rewrite rules of the web hosting server:

Those files and subfolders don't exit, but it doesn't always show the webpage cannot be found:

When I try to find this file: http://www.coolder.com/wp-try/load-styles.php

It shows: It Didn't Work: Unknown column 'wp' in 'where clause'

Other examples are as follows:


It Didn't Work: Unknown column 'wd' in 'where clause'


The webpage cannot be found


The webpage cannot be found

It Didn't Work: Unknown column 'try' in 'where clause'


The webpage cannot be found

It Didn't Work: Unknown column 'try' in 'where clause' 

6楼 2010年8月6日 23:10:00 米娅

I think that the rewriting rules has some problems on the web hosting server.  There can be more than two “-” in the path and the filename.

I changed the subfolder prefix from “wp-” to “wp_”. I also changed the names of the files which include more than one “-”. I just keep one “-”  and change the rest “-” to “_”.  And I changed those filenames in the file too according to the new name.

It works now, just still has some little bugs, because some filenames still has more than one “-”, such as some iagmes files.

Maybe this change will bring other problems, but I don’t know now.  

补充: 问题出在我写的.htaccess上,不应该这么改的,太麻烦了,详细请参看这里: WordPress:It Didn’t Work: Unknown column ‘**’ in ‘where clause’ 

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