米娅 2010年7月25日 23:10:56

按:当时不知是多少大陆女孩的dreamy boy。

费翔 故乡的云 冬天里的一把火 1987 中央电视台 春节晚会  

2楼 2010年7月26日 23:22:00 米娅


M: do you like to see my dreamy boy when I was a teenage?
U: yeah sure...must be Mao
M: the link
M: it was a singer
U: wow...he is a doll
U: very handsome
U: can he make a bed as well as he sings? (刚聊过中国军人叠方块被,所以说到make a bed,不要误会啊)

M: I don't know. and never know
M: He was quite famous in China.
M: He was an American, but he wasn't that handsome soon after that show so I forgot him too.
M: he is half American and half Chinese
U: that must be a good mix
U: probably he was very beautiful baby too

M: my brother said, 'he had a pair of birdeyes, why would you admire him?'
U: birdeyes?
U: so he can also see very well from a far distance?

M: (chuckle)
U: that would be a compliment in America
M: after that holiday, I went to school and had no TV to watch. When I came back to see him on TV after a year or two, wow, he wasn't handsome anymore.
U: :(
M: that's  ironic by birdeyes in China
M: who is your dreamy girl?
U: besides you?
M: Bleney
U: who?
M: Britney Spears
U: I don't know....I think the girl who lived across the street when I was 10 years-old...***
M: :)
M: how old was she?
U: I do not think britney spears is attractive at all
U: but Kimberly was
U: she was 11 and I was 10....and it was such a joy to see her coming out her front door each day
U: wow...i have to go now
U: its past midnight and we are shutting down



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