本.拉登、伊拉克、蒙古、Desert Storm Medal......(和老美聊天,图)
米娅 2010年7月3日 12:19:24


U: nothing new on your website
U: :O

M: (nod)
U: was hoping for fresh material
M: I got some news on microblogs, but I don't like to post them.
M: it's too miserable
M: that one of a man with blood is the most miserable picture on my website
U: what sort of news
M: do you really like to hear? I don't want to disturb your mood.
U: i'm OK...tell me
M: I ask you a question first.
M: it's said that every soldier was given a medal for their duty in Iraq. right?
U: i don't know
U: i'm sure they got something for their service in Iraq
M: you didn't?
M: you said you have been to Iraq twice
U: i was in Saudi Arabia in 1991...only actually in Iraq for 8 days
U: But the war was against Iraq

M: oh, so the gov. didn't issue you a medal because the time was too short
M: oh, i c
U: i received a service medal
M: that's it.
M: may you take a picture of it and send that picture to me?
U: i will have to find it
U: but when i get home i will do that

M: tks  
U: why do you need such a picture
M: I hear such a medal and am quite curious. maybe I can post it online so there is the update if you agree.
M: it's said that those medals are quite beautiful and some people like to collect them.
U: actually it is nice looking
M: really? wow
U: i didn't agree with the war...but it was fought correctly and won very quickly
U: not like the big mess we had the second time in Iraq

M: the gov. was overthrown at the second time
U: that was the problem...turned out to be a big mistake
U: in 1991...we just easily destroyed the Iraqi army and then left
U: we were hitting them and they could even see us
U: like when germany beat England in soccer last week

M: why it's a mistake? do you think that USA should keep that original Iraq gov.?
U: Saddam had nothing...he was never a threat
U: it was all about getting the oil
U: and Bush used 9/11 as an excuse
U: and stupid americans believed this nonsense

M: oh, maybe if Saddam is there, Iraqi people won't hate USA. they just hate Saddam
U: well...seeing how the USA spent $1.3 trillion on the this stupid war and it has been a complete failure...i would say it was a bad idea
M: I have no idea. I heard that Bin Laden died in 2007. is it true?
U: i don't know...he is probably living somewhere in Texas right now
U: maybe he is in Washington DC
U: or maybe NY

M: maybe you have met him many times on the street.
U: Bin Laden was on the CIA payroll when he was fighting the Russians in Afghanistan
U: and I'm sure he still is
M: is Dalai on the CIA payroll?
U: he did his job...gave the USA an excuse to have two endless wars.
U: and I'm sure he is being rewarded for it

M: that can not be true
U: well...after 9 years and they still cannot find him?
U: i mean..really

M: it's said the land where Bin Laden lives is quite high
U: why would a guy who has $230 million in his savings account live in the mountians?
M: his savings account in USA?
U: probably
U: maybe in a swiss bank account
U: and i'm sure he some in a Saudi bank account

M: does his children and ex-wives live in USA openly?
U: yes
M: really?
M: does his mother live in USA?
U: i don't know
U: actually...on 9/12/2001 the day after 9/11 his family was given free passage out of the USA
U: and many have since returned

M: does Americans treat them friendly?
M: does it mean that it's an order to ask them to leave USA by that free passage?
U: they wanted to leave
U: i guess they thought it be a good thing to do at time

M: oh
U: but it was a secret for a long time
U: why would the government let them leave?

M: it shows that USA has quite a high tolerance and is civilized
U: it shows that the CIA had something to do with 9/11
M: I look up on USA for it.
M: really.
U: nothing about it makes no sense
M: Our gov. likes to threaten the families of someone they don't like. it's not good.
U: 15 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia...and so what does Bush do?  He attacks Iraq
U: We attacked the wrong country
M: (nod)
U: Saudi Arabia is the most uncivilized place on earth
U: the women are treated worse than camels
U: In Iran women have almost equal rights

M: it seems that USA has a good relationship with Saudi Arabia like China and North Korea.
U: but in Saudi..farm animals have more rights than women
U: its all about oil...the Saudi government gives the USA its oil...so there no reason to pick a fight with Saudi Arabia
M: I feel I'm kind of lucky that I wasn't born there.
U: yes...i feel sorry for people who were born there
U: i seen first hand how the men beat the women with wooden rods

M: you sympathize them because you know them, but you don't sympathize North Koreans
U: what do you mean
M: you said that North Korean deserves a dictator
M: it seems that you forgot it
U: if that is what the North Koreans want
U: it seems they want that

M: (chuckle)you say that again
U: well...i can give many example of people in nations that got rid of the communist government
U: Poland
U: East Germany
U: Romania
U: Hungary
U: Czechoslavokia
U: Lithuania
U: Latvia
U: Estonia

M: many of those words I don't know
U: good...i guess you need no more examples
U: so...the people of North Korea have no excuses

M: :)
M: China also has a communist gov.
U: if they like their form of government...then they will do nothing to change it
U: so did Mongolia...and it was surrounded by China and Russia

M: it's complex
U: and they got rid of the communists also
M: it's said that Mongolia is quite poor
M: not better than China
U: Mongolia gets lots of aid from USA
U: and there are US Marines stationed in Mongolia
U: to protect them from China

M: haha
M: that's why they can have a gov. that's not controlled by communists.
U: they ousted the communists before the Marines were there
M: Mongolia doesn't have a sea.why are there Marines?
U: Marines can go anywhere
M: Communists are really not good.
U: they flew in from Japan
M: oh, I see.
M: you forgot to tell me what prounces "aisnic", anyway
U: i really don't know

2楼 2010年7月23日 12:35:53 米娅
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