上一篇:韩联社: 2名中国人在朝鲜接受间谍调查的过程中死亡
迈克尔.杰克逊:They Don't Care About Us,震撼!(视频)
爱吃辣椒的兔子 2010年6月24日 17:53:52



2楼 2010年6月24日 17:54:29 爱吃辣椒的兔子
3楼 2010年6月29日 14:16:54 米娅
M: I watched a video for a song named They don't care about us. it's prison version
M: it's so impressed
M: I wondered why so many people are crazy about Michael Jackson, I knew why when I watched it.
U: from China?
M: on Youtube
M: by Michael Jackson
U: what impressed you most?
M: he can present that feeling so precisely
U: so you could feel what he was feeling
U: i never felt that way about MJ
U: I feel like I need a cup of coffee now
U: brb
U: :)
M: take your time
M: I think it's not his feeling. It's some people's feeling. He was singing it out, dancing it out
U: you really liked it
U: wow

M: Just so you know, I follow some people on twitter. They can be activists. They often speak out how angry they feel about the gov. , the police etc. They are so angry.
U: chinese or americans?
M: When I saw that video, I thought of those people's angry.
M: of course Chinese. I don't care about Americans.
U: ha ha
U: but an american inspired your feelings

M: yeah, that american inspired so many people's feelings so he is called the king of pop
U: it coming close to the anniversery of his death
M: yeah, the anniversery
U: did Michael Jackson ever go to China? 
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