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12楼 2010年6月27日 13:07:12 米娅
CBC新闻:500多人现在关在拘留中心(held at detention centre),多伦多大学那里至少抓了70人,警察现在在抓捕昨天搞破坏的人。CBC记者说,是一帮穿黑衣的(in black clothing)的搞破坏,说警察穿了黑衣想渗透(infiltrate)进去。(LIVE)  

13楼 2010年6月27日 13:47:17 米娅

CBC电视播放了一阵警察的威猛,现在在采访一个有些狼狈的女的,和一个儿子被抓的,他们说被冤枉了,那个女的说那些警察根本是法西斯(fascist),说他们那么干只是证明他们花那么多钱是正当的(justify their 1 billion dollars' spent)。


14楼 2010年6月28日 11:05:59 米娅


记者说,有人抱怨说里面上卫生间(bathroom)不方便,8个小时不给水喝,官员不以为然地说,那时监狱(it was a jail),没有奢侈品(luxury)。

新闻报道,那些黑衣人冲记者吐口水(spit at the reporter), 攻击(attack)CBC的面包车(van)。 

15楼 2010年6月28日 11:17:07 米娅


U: i seen some good up close photos of the protests in toronto on saturday
U: 100 photos
M: it's over now. the summit is over today
U: i don't understand...they should just have a teleconference instead of meeting in person...over $1billion was spent on security for these clowns
M: $1 billion? it's so much.
M: they should get together on skype next time.
M: (chuckle)
U: that's a good idea
M: anyway, who paid it?
U: geez...I think the canadian tax payers
M: really? it's unfair.
U: yes...i agree.  I think BP should pay for it
M: why does a city like to hold such a meeting? it costs so much and gets a lot of crime too.
M: it's said nearly 500 people held at the detentation centre. how will they be punished?
U: probably given a fine and released
M: how much then? no education camps?
U: education camps?
M: kidding
U: there are no education camps in canada
U: oh
U: ha ha ha then

M: I know, ;)
M: how much will the fine be?
M: maybe the police can make ends meet by those fines
U: I'm sure they get some kind of bonus pay for it
M: :)

U: did you see the photo of the man sitting in the damaged police car eating doughnuts?
M: which one? I didn't see it.
U: http://www.nationalpost.com/multimedia/photos/gallery/index.html?id=3201093
U: number 39
M: it's a police car
M: why do some people like to do that damage?
U: did you see the police cars on fire?
U: because to make a point about freedom

M: I saw the fire on TV.
M: oh,  i c. ...
U: because the police are the poodles for the clowns having the G20 meeting...which is a meeting on how to control money supply etc
M: oh, you know what they thought about.
U: just what i read about 

16楼 2010年6月28日 11:22:18 米娅
CBC的报道,说游行开始时,虽然很吵(made noise),但是和平的(peaceful),后来形势就不好了(turn ugly)。

17楼 2010年7月7日 19:10:34 米娅


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