米娅 2010年4月22日 23:11:58


Why can't I see all my tweets?  My tweet count is _,___.  Are they lost?
The good news is they're not lost or gone!  We have all your tweets.  The bad news is that we currently only allow you to see the 3200 most recent tweets (this could also be construed as good news, as that number could be lower than 3200).  The other good news is that we are eventually going to build something that will allow you to see ALL your tweets.  Among the gazillion things we want to do to make Twitter better, this hasn't yet reached the top of our list, which is largely based on what we hear from people like you.  At some point, you'll be able to get on a twime machine, visit your twistory, and tweminisce.  That will be a fun day!


gazillion   n. 极大量,无法计数的量  

2楼 2010年5月26日 20:40:24 米娅
可以这么挑页看,比如看帐号miajiao的第4页: http://twitter.com/miajiao?page=4  ,也可以从某个记录开始,具体命令不记得了。
第1页 共1页
1. 招聘测试:用jersey获得twitter网页,获得有最大共有字符串的两条twitts
2. 用PHP编写Twitter客户端笔记(4):用户登录验证(F)
3. 用PHP编写Twitter客户端笔记(3):如何用curl传递浏览器的语言信息(C)
4. 用PHP编写Twitter客户端笔记(2):Service Provider Grants Request Token
5. 用PHP编写Twitter客户端笔记(1):Consumer Requests Request Token
6. 如何用twitter账号赚钱
7. Twitter传闻:不少于一百辆的运兵卡车... ...
8. 把手机绑定到Twitter上,说不准什么时候能让你化险为夷
9. 获奖精彩Twitter推特儿、新浪围脖儿作品展
10. 免翻墙实现Twitter的OAUTH登陆认证,提供代码下载
11. 在Twitter应用中使用OAuth(入门级)
12. 读“解剖Twitter:Twitter系统架构设计分析”的笔记
13. 编写一个简单的twitter API程序
14. 开源软件“推特中文圈”,先围观一下(Twitter)
15. 关于玉树地震的几个推(Twitter)
16. 复制一些推与不能用或不知道推特(Twitter)的分享