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路易维尔人写拍的路易维尔.Louisviller Writes And Photographs Louisville (English)
Jeff 2009年11月8日 21:37:16

斑竹按:Jeff应邀拍了些相片并写了一些文字来介绍他生长的城市Louisville,Jeff是个德裔美国人,了解他的文化背景,可能会帮助读者了解到这些文字和图片包含的更多内容,我按照他发到我邮箱的图片和文字的顺序贴在这里,最后会有一篇文章,暂时还在修改。十分感谢他的“work”,也很佩服,我自己一般在哪里呆长了眼里就没风景了。也祝愿他的“real work”一切顺利。

This is a sign hanging over a bicycle path showing Louisville's "sister cities".

Some art work near a trash can on Bardstown Road in the Highlands neighborhood of Louisville.

I took this about 1 hour ago....sorry but the city was not lit up very well tonight...so not much detail in this one...during the holiday season there should be more lights and therefore a better picture.

2楼 2009年11月8日 21:58:12 Jeff

i saw a train...so here it is.

A statue of the French King Louis XVI (16th)...The city is named after him.

A horse beside the statue.

3楼 2009年11月8日 22:02:12 Jeff
more horses.

another night shot...i was disappointed with some of the building having their lights turned out...maybe because it is Sunday???

4楼 2009年11月8日 23:14:44 Jeff

Two pairs of shoes hanging from a powerline beside a church in the Highlands neighborhood.

An apartment building near Cherokee Park.

Rear balcony of apartment building near Cherokee Park.

5楼 2009年11月8日 23:29:22 Jeff
Condominium near Cherokee Park in the Highlands neighborhood.

View down a street near Bonnycastle Avenue.

An indoor/outdoor cafe on Bonnycastle Avenue.

6楼 2009年11月8日 23:41:29 Jeff
A perfect warm and sunny day in November-- scooter.

7楼 2009年11月10日 16:57:40 Jeff
A view of City Hall from Jefferson Street.

8楼 2009年11月10日 17:00:30 Jeff

I like the vivid colors on this horse.

斑竹按:今天一开邮箱,又看到马,想起那个小品来:“...... 一碟子腌白菜...... 一碟子腌白菜 ......”  

9楼 2009年11月10日 17:01:32 Jeff
A view of Liberty Street from the west.

10楼 2009年11月10日 17:04:52 Jeff
Grocery store at corner of Bardstown Road and Bonnycastle Avenue.

11楼 2009年11月14日 13:55:08 Jeff
The Kentucky Center for the Performing Arts in Downtown Louisville.
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