加拿大“冬日风光”银币:$20 Sterling Silver Coin - Winter Scene (2011)(图)
米娅 2011年2月27日 23:12:51

A unique family heirloom!

When faced with the challenges of winter, early settlers demonstrated boundless fortitude and adaptability. To maintain a sense of play—while taking comfort in the warm, glowing fires that awaited them at home—neighbours would unite to go tobogganing or sliding on the ice. Featuring two men and a farm horse pulling a fallen tree across snow-covered fields, this coin’s nostalgic wintry scene will warm hearts for years to come.

No  111548   Mintage  8000

MintageLimited to 8000 coins worldwide

  • Composition  92.5% silver, 7.5% copper
  • Finish   proof
  • Weight (g)   27.78
  • Diameter (mm)   40
  • Edge   serrated
  • Certificate    serialized
  • Face value  $20
  • Artist     Rémi Clark (reverse), Susanna Blunt (obverse)

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