米娅 2009年10月10日 10:37:39

      9月24日,一个16岁的男学生在回家途中被群殴而死。自此,CNN几乎每天都有这件事的新闻,比如,和当地社区的教父的访谈,和入狱过的芝加哥人以及原来的帮派的成员等等的访谈,挖掘悲剧根源,探讨解决方案,跟踪警方、教育方面官员、市长等的反应。我看CNN有段新闻,播放市长刚刚从奥运举办城市竞标失败回来的镜头,CNN提醒大家注意市长对这起命案的看法。当时CNN有点调侃的称市长为the major back from a failed Olympic bid,给人一种市长是屋漏偏逢连夜雨的狼狈感觉,也让人产生一种他是否有能力管理这个城市的质疑。今天,CNN说,根据the Recovery Act,芝加哥收到政府1300万美元资助来加强反暴力和犯罪的力量,有的官员也上纲上线称之为“national tragedy(国家的悲剧)”。

      这里摘一段教育部长Arne Duncan昨天的话:芝加哥将不会被这件悲剧定义,而是用我们如何来对待这件事来定义-- 因此,我们今天来到这里和你们、和全美国的社区在一起,呼吁一个全国的关于价值的对话。无论美国什么地方存在暴力、不宽容、和歧视存在,这种对话就必须进行。

      原文:Education Secretary Arne Duncan said “Chicago will not be defined by this incident but rather by our response to it – so we came here today to join with you and with communities all across America – to call for a national conversation on values. It's a conversation that must happen every place in America where violence, intolerance, and discrimination exists.”

      当然,听着是态度很积极的,说到能不能做到就不一定了,像总统Obama,竞选时说的是“bring our troops home(把阿富汗的美国士兵撤回来)”,感觉当时听众的欢呼声没散去,现在,他们讨论的是:是不是需要再派些人去(send more troops),但有美国人、美国媒体天天跟踪探讨他们的所做所为,他们说了不做也不是很容易就可以算了的。







CARL AZUZ, CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR: September is almost finished, but this Tuesday edition of CNN Student News is just getting started. Reporting from the CNN Center in Atlanta, I'm Carl Azuz.

First Up: Chicago Beating

AZUZ: We begin in Chicago, where a massive fight outside a community center came to a tragic end last week. Several teens have been charged with first degree murder -- one has confessed to being involved -- in the death of Derrion Albert. Police say that 16-year-old honors student was killed last Thursday after he accidentally wandered into the middle of the fight. As Michelle Gallardo of affiliate WLS reports, the deadly attack has left the community and Derrion's family full of grief, full of questions.



MICHELLE GALLARDO, WLS-TV REPORTER, CHICAGO: Milton Massy is a director of Roseland Agape Community Center. It was their surveillance cameras that caught the beating death of 16-year-old Derrion Albert, who was walking from Fenger High School to the center when he got caught up in a large street fight.

MASSY: It looked like 100 kids. I mean, we're talking about kids just all over the place in every direction. There were kids hopping over cars. This is what I'm seeing on the video; there were kids hopping over cars. There were kids who had huge sticks. They were going after each other. And it just seemed as if it was not so much targeted, but it was random.

GALLARDO: Some of Derrion Albert's family members came to the community center to lay down this memorial for him. Among them, his paternal grandmother.

JESSE, ALBERT'S GRANDMOTHER: When he'd get out of school, he'd come right here to this center, the afternoon, until his grandfather came and got him. And for that to happen to him, I don't know why, which it shouldn't have, but it did.

GALLARDO: According to police, it is unclear why Albert was singled out and beaten. But they say it appears he was an innocent victim caught up in the fight. His grandfather, Joseph Walker, showed us his grandson's photographs and academic achievement awards.

JOSEPH WALKER, ALBERT'S GRANDFATHER: He was at bible class this Tuesday night, church on Sunday. I had no trouble out of my grandson whatsoever. This thing that happened to him is so horrific that we just don't know what we're going to do, because we lost a really dear friend in my grandson. He was a blessed child.

GALLARDO: Massy, whose community center has been here for 30 years, said today this type of fight has become more common recently, as two groups from within Fenger have escalated the violence between them. Meanwhile, Albert's grandfather says he's just trying to understand why.

WALKER: I don't know where all of this anger comes from these people today. That's just too much anger for someone to have in their heart. All I can do is I'm going to pray for these people. I'm going to pray for forgiveness.


华裔移民监狱受虐致死案 美政府推诿看守求脱罪
2楼 2009年10月11日 13:36:01 cooler

2009-10-10 09:10:53  来源网站:中新网  点击:228


纽约市皇后区34岁的计算机工程师吴晓雷(Hiu Lui Ng,音译),因签证过期滞留不归,在罗得岛唐纳德怀特移民看守所关押期间惨遭虐待,甚至连他取药和坐轮椅的要求都被拒绝。吴晓雷最终在2008年8月死于晚期肝癌。






3楼 2009年10月11日 14:11:29 米娅







4楼 2009年10月11日 14:57:26 cooler

5楼 2009年10月11日 15:02:44 米娅
这个是受政府保护的“合法”公民 加拿大使馆怎么也不吭声啊
6楼 2009年10月11日 15:03:16 cooler

2009-08-21 09:08:56  来源网站:多伦多信息港  点击:657




被困肯尼亚3个月的多伦多女士摩哈姆德(Suaad Hagi Mohamud),8月15日终於乘机回到加拿大。在经过24小时飞行后,面对眾多欢迎和围观者,摩哈姆德在如释重负的同时,也感到兴奋紧张。



加拿大边境服务局(Canadian Border Services Agency)派官员在多伦多皮尔逊国际机场迎接摩哈姆德,带她通过特殊通道入境,从而结束了她数月来恶梦般的经歷。

在摩哈姆德等行李时,有些行李工认出了她已被媒体炒熟的面孔,于是有的节奏地欢呼,欢迎之声不绝于耳。通过安检后,终於见到数月来魂牵梦縈的儿子侯赛因(Mohamed Hussein)。在欢迎人群的嘈杂声中,她尽力抬高声调说:“我回来是为了我的儿子,这是我真正牵肠掛肚的。”说着奔向12岁的侯赛因,紧紧拥抱著他说:“我的儿子,我的儿子。”

隨后,摩哈姆德对到机场迎接的亲友说:“你们无法想像我多高兴,真庆幸我的噩梦终於结束了。” 她表示,打算利用开学前数周,带孩子到处开心一下,以补回失去的时间。




5月17日准备乘机返加时,摩哈姆德却突然被肯尼亚海关扣留,理由是4年前的护照相片与本人不大像。当时她准备乘坐的是荷兰航空公司(KLM) 回,内罗毕机场工作人员认为她和护照像片上的不是同一个人,並拒绝她登机。她表示在自己成了加国公民,找到新家园后,还发生这样的事是始料未及的。






肯尼亚政府将摩哈姆德下狱,8日后她交出2500美元保释金后才得以获释,但需等候审讯,那“保释金” 就成为当地机构的变相收入。

网民JpBless说:“以护照相片不符为由,是个行贿的暗号,这个我太明白了,因为我就是从世界的那一端过来的。那里的移民和航空职员都擅长玩同样的把戏,知道乘客如果耽搁了这趟航班,会花费更多的金钱。不幸的是,加拿大领事不懂得这种行贿文化的心理学。如果当事人真的是个冒牌者的话,她会在第一个暗示给出的时候,马上就行贿有所回应了,而不敢与加拿大领事馆接触。正因为她不是冒牌者,所以才这么‘固执’” 。

“我以为我將会远离所有这些麻烦。我真的无话可说。” 摩哈姆德如是说。的确,摩哈姆德的经歷足以让任何人无话可说。在摩哈姆德滞留当地已有七个星期的时候,她接受电话访问时称:“我十分想返家。



5月21日,肯尼亚将这事件通知加拿大专员。一星期后,加领事馆覆信肯尼亚移民部,表示“有确实证据显示这女子并非Suaad Mohamud”。这名官员将护照作废,送到肯尼亚政府用以检控。


儘管期间摩哈姆德出示了多达12种身份辅助证明文件,加驻外机构经过糊涂调查后,居然断言摩哈姆德確实盗用他人护照,加国领事官员指她是“冒充身分者”。加国驻奈罗比高级专员公署也认定,摩哈姆德在冒充身分,理由是她的嘴唇和和眼镜与护照像片不同 ,並吊销了她的护照,將她报告给肯尼亚当局。


最后,在《星报》(Star)、摩哈姆德在多伦多的律师布拉基亚(Raoul Boulakia)




经过数番折腾,並经DNA检验,確证摩哈姆德是加拿大人之后,加拿大边境服务处开始准备摩哈姆德的旅游证件,並打算承担800元DNA检查费用。哈珀政府这才答应设法为摩哈姆德重新办理回国证件,而在此之前,包括外交部长康农(Lawrence Cannon)、公安部长范龙(Peter Van Loan)和总理哈珀等加国官员,都对她的遭遇置若罔闻。

当凭据在握真相大白于天下之际,哈珀突然之间打破沉默,来了一个九十度大转弯,宣布让摩哈姆德回来是加国的“当务之急” ,並要求有关部门对她受困数月的事件作出“全面解释” 。



经此一事证明,加国官僚作风如此武断,令人震惊。网民Razor97评论说,两个多月以来,政府在此事上毫无作为,当证据确凿验明正身时,哈珀才出面说一切都为了帮事主,早干什么来着?Mark Thomas认为,由此事已看出一种处理模式,这也是近年来为什么加国公民在外国时有麻烦的原因,有人被当成恐怖分子,并受到虐待。Judemcm说,加国公民竟受到政府这样对待,对此感到非常愤怒。其实一个简易办法就能高定此事,问她的孩子在哪个学校,Sky Dome的新名字是什么?或与加拿大有关的什么事。简单之极,为什么不这样做呢?如果媒体不曝光,恐怕摩哈姆德平白无故地还要在监狱里。

7楼 2009年10月11日 15:05:15 Coolder网友
杀了一个无辜的人自己没受惩罚就是赚了吗?这个观点本人实在不敢苟同呀。 没让你苟同,你要苟同我还不答应呢。 按照你上面的逻辑,非法移民死了就是活该啊,谁让他死乞白赖在这个不是生他养他的地方。

8楼 2009年10月11日 15:10:02 Coolder网友

9楼 2009年10月11日 15:14:10 米娅

     ls的新闻我在CBC也看过,CBC在DNA鉴定没出来时,就开始跟踪报道了,后来,当事人回到加拿大后请律师告联邦政府,要求几百万的赔款,采访NDP的领导人时,那个领导人还表示理解。 CBC后来还有当事人的访谈节目,不知后来告赢了没有。 


10楼 2009年10月11日 15:20:44 Coolder网友


Canadian was falsely accused, panel says
Muslim held by U.S. was sent to Syria for interrogation

By Doug Struck
The Washington Post
Updated: 5:42 a.m. ET Sept 19, 2006

TORONTO, Sept. 18 - Canadian intelligence officials passed false warnings and bad information to American agents about a Muslim Canadian citizen, after which U.S. authorities secretly whisked him to Syria, where he was tortured, a judicial report found Monday.

The report, released in Ottawa, was the result of a 2 1/2-year inquiry that represented one of the first public investigations into mistakes made as part of the United States' "extraordinary rendition" program, which has secretly spirited suspects to foreign countries for interrogation by often brutal methods.

The inquiry, which focused on the Canadian intelligence services, found that agents who were under pressure to find terrorists after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, falsely labeled an Ottawa computer consultant, Maher Arar, as a dangerous radical. They asked U.S. authorities to put him and his wife, a university economist, on the al-Qaeda "watchlist," without justification, the report said.

Arar was also listed as "an Islamic extremist individual" who was in the Washington area on Sept. 11. The report concluded that he had no involvement in Islamic extremism and was on business in San Diego that day, said the head of the inquiry commission, Ontario Justice Dennis O'Connor.

Coffin-sized dungeon
Arar, now 36, was detained by U.S. authorities as he changed planes in New York on Sept. 26, 2002. He was held for questioning for 12 days, then flown by jet to Jordan and driven to Syria. He was beaten, forced to confess to having trained in Afghanistan -- where he never has been -- and then kept in a coffin-size dungeon for 10 months before he was released, the Canadian inquiry commission found.

O'Connor concluded "categorically there is no evidence" that Arar did anything wrong or was a security threat.

Although the report centered on Canadian actions, the counsel for the commission, Paul Cavalluzzo, said the results show that the U.S. practice of renditions "ought to be reviewed."

"This is really the first report in the Western world that has had access to all of the government documents we wanted and saw the practice of extraordinary rendition in full color," he said in an interview from Ottawa. "The ramifications were that an innocent Canadian was tortured, his life was put upside down, and it set him back years and years."

Arar, who came to Canada from Syria when he was 17, said in Ottawa that he was thankful that he had been vindicated. He expressed surprise and anger at learning Monday that Canadian authorities also had asked U.S. authorities to put his wife on the al-Qaeda watchlist.

"Today Justice O'Connor has cleared my name and restored my reputation," he said at a news conference. He said the individual Canadian officials should be held accountable: "Justice requires no less."

‘An innocent man’
O'Connor said it was beyond his mandate to recommend discipline for any individual.

"He really is a victim of authorities in three governments, as well as being an innocent man," Irwin Cottler, a member of parliament from the Liberal Party, said after the report was issued.

Stockwell Day, the federal government's public safety minister, said the treatment of Arar was "regrettable. We hope, with any future situations, never to see this happen again."

Since Sept. 11, the CIA, working with other intelligence agencies, has captured an estimated 3,000 people in its effort to dismantle terrorist networks. Many of them have been secretly taken by "extraordinary rendition" to other countries, hidden from U.S. legal requirements and often subject to torture.

Those renditions are often carried out by CIA agents dressed head to toe in black, wearing masks, who blindfold their subjects and dress them in black. The practice is generating increased opposition by other countries; Italy is seeking to prosecute CIA officers who allegedly abducted a Muslim cleric in Milan in February 2003, and German prosecutors are investigating the CIA's activities in their country.

Although details of the renditions and the destinations of those held are secret, President Bush has confirmed the existence of CIA-run prisons throughout the world. Some of the subjects of renditions have been held in those prisons.

O'Connor also recommended that the government review the case of three other Muslim Canadian citizens, who were detained when they traveled through Syria, to determine what role Canadian authorities played in their imprisonment.
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But it was the case of Arar, a reserved, soft-spoken father of two, that created an outrage in Canada after he returned in 2003 and said he wanted the public to know what had happened to him.

The report said agents of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police "overstated" Arar's importance in the broad investigation they began of potential Canadian suspects after Sept. 11.

Talking to other Muslim Canadians
Canadian police opened a file on Arar after seeing him talking to two other Muslim Canadians they were watching, authorities have acknowledged. Arar insisted the men were casual acquaintances in the small Muslim community in Montreal, where he lived before moving to British Columbia.

O'Connor said Monday that police agents told the Americans that Arar was "suspected of being linked to the al Qaeda movement." The judge concluded: "The RCMP had no basis for this description."

The Mounties also falsely claimed Arar had refused to be interviewed and had "suddenly" left for Tunisia. It listed him as a business associate of another man they called a "Bin Laden associate." Those descriptions were "either completely inaccurate" or overstated his casual connections, O'Connor said in a 822-page, three-volume report.

That information "very likely" led to his rendition, the report said. U.S. officials refused to cooperate with the Canadian inquiry.

‘Sheer incompetence’
Cavalluzzo said the Canadian agents apparently operated without proper training. "The best one can say is that it was sheer incompetence. They did not appreciate the fact that the branding of someone as a 'target' or 'suspect' or 'Islamic extremist' to Americans in 2002 could lead to disastrous consequences."

After Arar was detained in New York, Canadian authorities apparently were unaware the Americans were preparing to send him to Syria, according to the commission finding.

The RCMP contact, Inspector Michel Cabana, "was under the impression that Mr. Arar would only be detained for a short time," O'Connor's report said. "In his view, Mr. Arar was being held in a country with many of the same values as Canada."

Arar filed a lawsuit in U.S. federal court, but the case was dismissed by a judge citing "national security" issues. Arar also is seeking compensation from the Canadian government.

Some crucial questions about the incident remain unanswered, at least publicly. Over the repeated objections of O'Connor, the federal government censored much of the testimony given during the proceedings as well as some of the final report. O'Connor's report said a federal court should be asked to decide whether to disclose some of the censored items.

Arar was not permitted to testify; the judge ruled it would be unfair to subject him to questioning based on secret information. He has testified before a European Parliament committee in Brussels.

11楼 2009年10月11日 15:22:29 米娅

      “非法移民死了就是活该啊,谁让他死乞白赖在这个不是生他养他的地方。”是你说的,不是我的逻辑。 我很理解非法移民想呆在美国,理解他们宁愿流浪在外也不愿回到他们的祖国。我很抱歉作为他的同胞没有能力让我和他共同的祖国成为他的乐土,虽然我也在尽力。


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