中国是美国的威胁?----- 《2009年美国国家情报战略报告》原文节选
米娅 2009年10月2日 20:42:22

按: 最近这个《报告》成为热门话题,特别是提到中国的这部分,这里把原文贴在这里分享。我个人看了倒没特别感觉,感觉美国有这个观点也是自然的,如果中国出个类似的报告,应该也会把美国列成challenge中国的,不过,很多人对这段话作了很多文章,这段话也成为网络热点。

The National Intelligence Strategy  August 2009

A number of nation-states have the ability to challenge U.S. interests in traditional (e.g., military force and espionage) and emerging (e.g., cyber operations) ways.

Iran poses an array of challenges to U.S. security objectives in the Middle East and beyond because of its nuclear and missile programs, support of terrorism, and provision of lethal aid to U.S. and Coalition adversaries.

North Korea continues to threaten peace and security in East Asia because of its sustained pursuit of nuclear and ballistic missile capabilities, its transfer of these capabilities to third parties, its erratic behavior, and its large conventional military capability.

China shares many interests with the United States, but its increasing natural resource-focused diplomacy and military modernization are among the factors making it a complex global challenge.

Russia is a U.S. partner in important initiatives such as securing fissile material and combating nuclear terrorism, but it may continue to seek avenues for reasserting power and influence in ways that complicate U.S. interests.

转自: http://www.dni.gov/reports/2009_NIS.pdf        


国家情报战略  2009年8月


伊朗 通过它的核和导弹项目、对恐怖主义的支持、和对美国及其联盟的敌人的重要资助,在中东及以外实施一系列的威胁美国安全目标的活动。

北朝鲜 因为它持续的对核武器和弹道导弹能力的追求、并且把这些能力转给第三方、它奇怪的行为、和它的巨大的常规军事能力,继续威胁东亚的和平和安全。

中国 和美国有很多共同利益,但是它正在增长的以自然资源为目的的外交政策和军事现代化等因素使它成为一个复杂的全球威胁。

俄罗斯 在保证导弹资料和和核恐怖斗争等重要方面, 是美国的伙伴, 但可能它继续对力量和影响追求的方式会和美国利益起冲突。    

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11. 全世界的圣诞节都是12月25日(和老美聊天)
12. 25日圣诞节,26日Boxing Day
13. 2011年节假日安排通知(中国大陆)
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